Presenting Sponsor
Presenting Sponsor
• Presented by naming rights of tournament – Texas Warriors Celebrity Charity Golf Tournament (“Company Name” Celebrity Golf Tournament)
• Prominent signage throughout the event and on step/repeat and tournament banner • 3 Teams of 4 golfers (12 total players)
• Four (4) hole sponsorships with company and/or branding table display or product sampling opportunity at corresponding holes
• 4 celebrity player signed jerseys (signed by players at the event)
• Opportunities for video shout out for company/product/brand on social media from athletes in attendance.
• Company or Product table/display area set up at Registration Check-in and Awards Ceremony
• Opportunity to provide promotional item in golfer goodie bags
• 2-minute company, product or brand speaking opportunity at Awards Ceremony
• Mention in all social media as presenting sponsor & social tags
• Mention in all tournament materials, registration forms, website and press release
• Minimum of 5 Social Media Post by celebrities in attendance, prior to the event.
• Name mentioned in all Radio/TV advertisement.